What is AADHAAR Card?
AADHAR card is issued by Central Govt. to all citizens of India with a Unique Identification number (UIDN). AADHAR is a 12 digit unique number that stores demographic and biometric information of a Card Holder (With photograph). This is an acceptable proof of Identity and Address for opening Bank Accounts. The following data fields are covered on the AADHAR card. Customers Name, Address, Gender, Age/Date of Birth, Mobile number, email address.
Why to get AADHAR ?
Aadhaar card will facilitate the transfer of cash benefits directly to the accounts of beneficiaries without any middlemen being involved in the transfer of the government schemes.
Who can get AADHAR ?
Any resident in India, any age, any gender who satisfies the verification process laid down by UIDAI can enroll for Aadhaar Card.
How to get AADHAR ?
You can apply for an AADHAR card by submitting a detailed application (with residence proof and identity proof ) at the prescribed enrollment agency.
What is Aadhaar Enabled Account ?
AADHAAR ENABLED ACCOUNT can be offered by a Bank which is empanelled with NPCI . A customer has to submit a mandate to the Bank to link his/her Aadhaar number to his/her bank account for the availing the benefits of the various government schemes.
Which are the Schemes covered under this Aadhaar Enabled accounts ?
Some of the schemes which are covered under the Aadhaar Based Payment Services.
Direct credit of subsidies from government that include LPG, Kerosene, Sugar etc
Direct credit of welfare funds, pensions, scholarship, MGNREGA wages etc from government
Why should I link my account to AADHAAR Number?
You will get a seamless credit of Govt. benefits and other credits like pension / salaries when you link your account to the Aadhaar Number.
How to link the account?
If you do not have an account with NATIONAL and have an Aadhar Card :
You can open an Aadhaar Enabled Account with NATIONAL Bank by submitting your AADHAR number and a mandate.
If you already have your AADHAAR Card then how to get your AADHAAR number linked to NATIONAL Bank account:
If you already have a AADHAAR card you have to fill up a prescribed mandate form and submit photo copy of your AADHAAR card to the bank for linkage.
If you don’t have the AADHAAR Card and you are the account holder of NATIONAL Bank, then what is the process to get your card linked to your account: When you are applying for an AADHAAR Card you can mention our Banks 15 digit account number in the Aadhaar Card Application Form.
What is a Mandate form?
It’s a letter format wherein you authorize the NATIONAL bank to link your account with your Aadhaar Number.
What data I need to provide on this mandate form?
You need to provide your 15 Digit NATIONAL Bank Account number, 12 Digit Aadhaar number, your mobile number , your email id and self attested photo copy of the Aadhaar Card .
I do not have NATIONAL bank account, which type of account should I open to avail Aadhaar Enable account facility?
You may open a regular savings account (Aadhaar enabled) & avail all other banking facilities.
In a joint account what is the procedure ?
Both the account holders can link their Aadhaar Number to the joint account.
Can I register my Aadhaar Number with NATIONAL Bank if I have already registered with another Bank? Which bank account will I receive my benefits ?
Yes, you can register your Aadhaar Number with NATIONAL Bank even if you have already registered with another Bank, the Government Subsidy/Benefits will be received in last Bank Account that has been registered with NPCI, hence if NATIONAL Bank account is the last Bank you have registered then you will receive all benefits in your National Bank account.
Do I need to inform about these changes to Gas Agency/Aadhaar dept or any other Govt Agencies?
You only need to inform your Aadhaar Number and complete the formalities as prescribed by these agencies.